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Selected Publications


Handbook for Asian Studies Specialists: A Guide to Research Materials and Collection Building Tools. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2013.

Toshokan to Chitekijiyu: Kankatsu Ryoiki, Hoshin, Jiken, Rekishi [Libraries and Intellectual Freedom: Domain, Policies, Incidents, History]. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Institute for Library and Information Science Study Group, 2013 [co-authored].

Toshokanin to Chiteki Jiyu: Kankatsu Ryoiki, Hoshin, Jiken, Rekishi [Librarians and Intellectual Freedom: Domain, Policies, Incidents, History].  Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Institute for Library and Information Science Study Group, 2011 [co-authored].

Teaching Mikadoism: The Attack on Japanese Language Schools in Hawaii, California, and Washington, 1919-1927. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi

Press, 2006.


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Book Chapters

"Imin o Taisho to shita Toshokan Sabisu no Kadai to Kenkyu Hoho: Hawaii Nikkeijin Shakai no Dokusho Kiankyo o Rei ni shite [Developing a Research Method Fostering Library Service for Immigrants: A Case Study of Japanese Americans' Reading in Hawaii]." In Yoshitaka Kawasaki (ed), History and Prospect of Library Science Research (Kyoto: Shorai, 2020), p. 147-177.

“Disruption Is Not Pleasant But Sometimes It Produces Results”: Michael McConnell, Pioneer of Same Sex Marriage and Intellectual Freedom of Librarians in the United States.” In Rae-Anne Montague and Lucas McKeever (eds.), Queer Library Alliance: Global Reflections and Imaginings (Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2017). p1-19, [co-authored].

“Jinken to Chitekijiyu: Toshokanin no Byodoken ni Mukete no 40-nen no Toso [Human Rights and Intellectual Freedom: A Librarian’s 40 Years of Battle for Equality Rights ].” In Comparative Library Science Research Methodology Study Group (ed.), Mainority, Chitekijiyu, Toshokan: Shiso, Jissen, Rekishi [Minority, Intellectual Freedom, Libraries: Theory, Practice, History] (Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Institute for Library and Information Science Study Group, 2016), [co-authored].

“Gakujutsu Joho Ryutsu no Denshika to Toshokanin no Taio: Daigaku Toshokanin ni totte no Access [Digitizing Scholarly Communication and Academic Librarianship’s Definition of Access].” In Yoshitaka Kawasaki (ed.), Toshokan Torinityi no Jidai kara Yuragi, Tenkai no Jidai e [Library History From an Era of Three Trajectories to Periods of Uncertainty and Development] (Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto Institute for Library and Information Science Study Group, 2014).

“The Japanese Language School Controversy in Hawaii.” In Duncan Ryuken Williams and Tomoe Moriya (eds.), Issei Buddhism in the Americas: The Pioneers of the Japanese-American Buddhist Diaspora (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2010).

“Okumura Takie to Nihongo Gakko Ronso―Nichibei Kankei no Kanten kara [Takie Okumra and the Japanese Language School Controversy: From the Perspective of the Japan-U.S. Relationship].” In Ryo Yoshida and Yukuji Okita (eds.), Doshisha, Hawai, Nihon―Shirarezaru Nichibei Koryushi [Intellectual Exchange between Hawaii and Doshisha University: Japanese Immigrants in Hawaii and Doshisha University during the Inter War Period] (Kyoto, Japan: Doshisha University International Center, 2008).

Journal Articles

"Importing Modernity: Immigrant Bookshops, Toritsugi, and the Japanese Print Culture Circuit in Pre-war Hawai‘i, 1892–1941", Logos 34, 4 (2024): 43-55, doi: [with Andrew Wertheimer]

“Library Exclusion and the Rise of Japanese Bookstores in Prewar Honolulu.” International Journal of Information, Diversity & Inclusion 3 (2019): 13-43. [with Andrew Wertheimer]

“Librarians’ Free Speech: The Challenge of Librarians’ Own Intellectual Freedom to the American Library Association 1946-2007.” Library Trends 63 (2014): 75-105.

“Intellectual Freedom Education in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Study.” International Information & Library Review 46:1-2 (2014): 1-10.

“Horokosuto Hitei Bunken no Toshokan deno Atukai ni tsuite no Kosatsu: ‘Shinjitsu no Shisetsudan’ Jiken eno Kariforunia-Shu Toshokan Kyokai no Taio o Megutte  [Re-examining the Controversy over Holocaust Revisionist Literature in Libraries: The California Library Association and the Truth Missions Incident].” Library World 65 (2013): 184-199.

“Teaching Intellectual Freedom in Japan and the United States : An Exploratory Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Lifelong Education and Libraries 11 (2012): 1-15.

“The Origins of the Freedom to Read Foundation: Public Librarians’ Campaign to Establish a Legal Defense Against Library Censorship.” Public Library Quarterly 30 (2011): 286-306.

“Toshokanin no Senmonshoku Toshiteno Chiteki Jiyu: Ronso to Amerika Toshokan Kyokai no Taio [Responding to Librarians who Defend the Library Bill of Rights: The American Library Association and Intellectual Freedom in a Period of Transition].” Library World 63 (2011): 214-231.

“Shosetsu Toshokan Senso to ‘Toshokan no Jiyu ni Kansuru Sengen’ no Seiritsu [Examining the ‘Statement on Intellectual Freedom in Libraries’ and Violence in the Novel Toshokan Senso (Library War)].”  Journal of Japanese Society of Library and Information Science 57 (2011): 19-32. [co-authored]

“Religious Conflict among Hawaii Nikkei and How Japanese Entered the Public School Curriculum, 1896-1924.”  Japanese Language & Literature 42 (2008): 63-94.

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